Dear Reader,
I am writing this heartfelt letter with humility, in hopes that it is read and comprehended in the
pureness of its intent. I am coming to you to not only express sincere remorse, but to also express the lessons that I’ve learned about participating in gossip and the ways it can cause irreparable damage to relationships. The intention of this letter is not to single-out one individual nor is it to identify and discuss an organization. I just want to transparently share my story and inspire you to always seek the truth. I pray that my words will pierce your heart.
First, let’s define gossip. Gossip is defined as sharing information about other people, whether true or untrue, that ought not be shared with others. Usually, this information is shared while the person of interest is not in the room. If you need a barometer to determine if you are participating in gossip, here is an example:
Tell me a story or give me information about another person. This person could be a
friend, an acquaintance, coworker, boss, spouse, partner or child. Now, can you tell me the same story about the person while the person is in the room? If not, then that is probably gossip.
Why do people gossip? Truthfully, it can be as simple as a person trying to “fit-in” or it may be their attempt at entertaining others. Sometimes gossipers also act out of boredom or to receive attention - unfortunately, it’s usually at the expense of the other person’s reputation. I am a living example of how God has taught me a powerful lesson about engaging in gossip. I hope my testimony will educate and inspire you.
Throughout my adulthood, I’ve been in several groups where unconfirmed information was frequently shared – I will define these as “gossip groups”. Oftentimes in these groups, the source of the shared information, as well as the validity of the information, would be unknown or unsubstantiated. As I matured, God opened my eyes and taught me a powerful lesson about gossip through Psalm 15 and 26. In my solitude God would speak to me and ask me, “Is this person following MY will? Is this person angry? Anger leads to sin, which can be deadly.” Here are a few observations of my feelings that I would experience during my participation in gossip:
- Each time that I participated in gossip, I became physically ill. I’ve experienced headaches and
nausea so severe, that made me want to leave the conversation.
-I would retreat to eating unhealthy foods to comfort myself and numb my pain, confusion and
-I would have consistent bouts of insomnia – sometimes lasting weeks at a time.
Gossip is like stones being thrown, and those stones represent the consequences of gossip. I’ve learned my greatest lessons from stones. Here are a few:
- When I receive unconfirmed information or unvalidated stories, I should wait 24-72 hours to
allow God to give me discernment.
-I’ve learned take a step back and inquire about where the source originated.
-I’ve learned to ask the right questions, like: Why is this information being shared with me? How
did they receive this information? Why do I need to know the information? What is this
information actually telling me?
-I learned that it is better to be communicative, rather than reactionary and participatory.
-I’ve learned how to reconcile with people in GOD’s way – not the worlds way.
Social media is another conduit to gossip because it leads to misunderstandings, half-truths and lies. I am aware of the information and drama that’s been floating around on social media. I am extending my sincerest apologies for my participation in gossip groups. I recognize that these actions may have tarnished my reputation and inadvertently placed my character into question. I do not want to entertain conversations that will hurt people, nor do I want to be in the company of those who speak negatively about others. I want my foundation to be strong and reflect the fruit of the spirit – I do not want to be a hypocrite. I know that it is not God’s way to be a gossiper because God is love. It is my intention to be a reflection of Him.
I want you to use my experience as a cautionary tale and as encouragement to not participate in gossip. Whether you are the initiator of the negative information or if you just actively engage when
unconfirmed information is shared – you become a part of a gossip group. The takeaway from this message is to always seek God first and invite Him in every conversation that you have with people. If you recognize a feeling of unrest when you spend time with a person who speaks negatively about others – walk away. You can exemplify love and forgiveness toward them, but do not engage in their activities. You deserve peace and that peace can be found in God.
I know that I am not the only person in the world who has experienced a regrettable situation, so I hope that you are able to think back on your time of remorse and empathize with me. Although I am
extremely mortified for painting such an unfavorable picture of myself, I am deciding to give myself the grace of forgiveness, and I would like for you to forgive me as well. I hope that you never have to go
through what I’ve gone through – but if you have, all you have to do is refrain from your past actions and breathe. Remember that God loves you and tomorrow is a new day.
Ana Price
Beautiful Testimony!! This is truth. I have been there.
Thank you!