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Writer's pictureAna Price

Exploring Our Petals

Dear Reader,

Have you had days when you felt extremely drained?

Have you had days when you felt hurt, angry or upset?

Have you had days when you are in a total funk?

Have you had days when you’ve just wanted to lay in bed and eat an entire pint of ice cream with all the fixings?

Reader, I have been there countless times - just like I’m sure most people have. There are days when I’ve just wanted to be alone because I needed my solitude to think, pray, and do a personal soul inventory of my life. One day, while reflecting on the things that affect my soul and are important to me, I had a wonderful epiphany.

I spread out my hand, looked at each of my fingers and I asked myself these questions:

What is really bothering me?

Why am I feeling this way?

What triggers me?

What can I do about this?

What makes me happy?

Afterwards, I pulled my journal out and authentically wrote down the answers to those questions. It was important that I was honest and transparent with myself while doing this. Once I finished, I converted my journal entry into a loving letter to myself. I showered myself with empathy and compassion, in an effort to rebuild my self-confidence and self-esteem. Now, let’s go back to the fingers and my epiphany. I asked myself, “What is the most important thing to me?” Reader, are you ready for my “lightbulb moment”? Each finger represents the petal of a beautiful flower. I spread my fingers wide and began to name the most important elements for each petal:

1) God. God is my best friend, and I am never alone when I spend time with Him daily in my oasis.

I want to clarify, my intention is not to preach to you.

This blog is about my journey as a lily in the valley.

Your belief is your personal belief. I respect you either way.

This blog is to inspire, influence, and motivate you to be the best version of yourself.

This is YOUR journey, no one else’s. You are the pen of your story. ☺

2) Exercise. Exercise is crucial for my mental health. I am always a better person after a good sweat session.

3) Nutrition. Nutrition is equally essential to thrive, think, and make healthier decisions. After years and years of trying different diets - I do not follow diets any more. I reached a point of realization that food addiction is real, and I am doing something about it. I will have a blog about this. Stay tuned!

4) Stress management. This is the next important thing that I consider every single day. Stress makes you ill and it leads to poor decision-making.

5) Sleep. Sleep is vital in all areas of my life! If I do not get enough sleep, I eat poorly, miss a good workout, allow the stress to get the best out of me, and my time with God starts to fade. Sleep is the potent medicine to ensure the best soul care.

Now, anytime I feel that my emotions are off-balance, I just look at my petals and ask myself, “Did I spend time with God? Am I eating well? When was the last time I exercised? Did I get enough sleep? How’s my stress level? ” This guide helps me explore, navigate and resolve why I may be having such a bad moment.

Now, it is your turn. Look at your “petals.” What are the five things that are important to you and your soul care? Try it and I guarantee that your attitude and mood will shift immediately. It really works!




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