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Writer's pictureAna Price

I am a Leader...and so are YOU!

Dear Reader,

Did you know that I consider myself a leader despite the many adversities and challenges that I’ve faced in my life? You may want to know:

How did I become a leader?

Why did I become a leader?

Where did I learn to become a leader?

You may read this and say to yourself, “I want to be a leader of (insert your dream here), but how?”

Well, you’re in just the right place! There are some great lessons in becoming a leader that you can learn from by reading about my life experiences - I’d love to share. Let’s talk :-)!

I’ve spent countless hours spending time with renowned people with whom I never met. Wondering how? I listen to motivational and transformative speakers - Brene Brown and Terri Savelle Foy are my favorites and I consider them my mentors. I have also spent quality time with strong, inspiring, and influential leaders in my life.

Did you know that everyone has the capability to be a leader? It may be lying dormant within you - but it is there! It is time to have a heart to heart and authentic conversation with yourself.

Let’s take a look at this quote from Brene Brown:

“Leadership is not about titles or the corner office. It is about the willingness to step up, put yourself out there, and lean into courage. The world is desperate for braver leaders. It is time for all of us to step up.” I live and practice this quote.

I consider myself to have the strength and perseverance as a Lily of the Valley. Being Deaf and a Woman of Color symbolizes my flower’s petals. I’ve put myself out there in this world of chaos, and I utilize all of the tools that I’ve gained along the way, to navigate my leadership journey. I am a leader because it is my calling to empower individuals to look inside of themselves so that they can recognize their own capability and the gift to lead.

Sure! My petals have been torn, fallen off, and they’ve surely gotten dirty. Many people have stepped on me, with an intent to crush my petals - they’ve even uprooted me in an effort to discard me. As a result, I have scars. But guess what the beauty is in all of that? Those obstacles became life lessons. They’ve made me stronger, braver, and more courageous. They have shaped my attitude, mindset, and ultimately, my maturity.

I am a leader because…

  • I know what it feels like to be broken, invisible, and not acknowledged.

  • I recognize that leadership is not about me. It is about others who want to bloom.

  • I want to plant seeds (tools, wisdom, knowledge) and water (provide support, empowerment, and acknowledgment) to others.

  • I want to help people find themselves, recognize their identity, and see their self-worth.

  • I want to encourage people to use their voice to be heard - not silenced.

  • I want to show people they can achieve their dreams, passion, and desires.

So, dear reader, use today to think about your dreams.

It is time for you to bloom and thrive.

It is time for you to be recognized and victorious.

You have a gift of Leadership.

Here is another lesson from Brene Brown:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again…who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.”

Today, try this:

Use your journal to write your visions and dreams. Remember this journal is for your eyes only.

Write down a project that you are interested in and describe how you would lead it.

Here are the examples:

  • You want to lead and educate the community or a particular group to learn more about a topic.

  • You may want to start your own YouTube channel.

  • You may want to start a club of some type.

  • You may want to create your own Facebook Page to discuss a topic you are passionate about.

Reader, just do it and begin. Do not be afraid. You will be amazed at the motivation and inspiration that manifests after you write down your dreams, and visions. I am your cheerleader and cheering you on. If I can do it, so can you. ☺

With love,



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Mariana Pereira
Mariana Pereira
Nov 06, 2021

Hi Ana, thanks for the suggestion about Brene Brown books.. I love that leadership is about others who want to bloom. I want to achieve my passion dreams and desires by helping others ❤️❤️❤️.

With that in mind, I will follow your advise :). I will write one blog post today but won't be able to do YouTube videos for a while :( ( I'm very shy for cameras). However, I'm an extrovert person who loves to meet people and connect, so I became one of the Meet up organizers and already set up a book club for next month with a few people. I also have a Facebook, Twitter, and IG for my books and trips. Thanks for keepi…

Ana Price
Ana Price
Nov 06, 2021
Replying to

There you go! You are an amazing leader! Don’t lose your shine. I’m cheering you on! GO Mariana! ❤️

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