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Writer's pictureAna Price

Lesson From The Bird Nest

I am envisioning a bird’s nest that nestles comfortably on a strong tree branch. Imagine the mother bird flying to get worms and other twigs to make the nest stronger and warm for her babies. The baby birds are in the nest, crying for food, protection, love and a desire to learn to fly.

We are going to learn a lesson from the bird nest by using my personal story as an example.

The baby birds represent me.

The nest represents tools that keep me safe, protected, and growing.

The mother bird symbolizes the many counselors and mentors throughout my life.

This story and lesson is about an eating disorder that I’ve conquered. Now, friend, sit down in a comfortable chair and listen to my story. I hope this lesson enlightens you and brings hope in your life. The takeaway from this story is for you to grab any tools that work for YOU to begin your healing.

Okay, let’s begin.

In March 2021, I was on a vacation with my beloved and most cherished family in Florida. We walked for miles and miles to enjoy four different parks. My children had a blast seeing many different things at each park, we swam, laughed and we made great memories. On the other hand, I was out of breath while walking from one ride to another and I was out of breath while running to catch a ride. My feet hurt badly because I purchased new sandals before the trip. It was a note to me to break in new shoes before going on vacation to prevent any physical complaints! Also, I was eating mindlessly. The turning point of the trip was when my dearest husband made a loving and a concerning comment about my physical well being and outlook and both of my children heard, and I was in tears. I was so angry and embarrassed with myself. I had an emotional breakdown in the bathroom trying to determine the WHY behind the reason I’d allowed my body “to go.”

*I was also reading a GREAT book by Aubrey Golbeck during the entire vacation. I highly recommend this book to you.*

Eventually, I said to myself, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that I had been feeding my mind with shameful, damaging, and demeaning words. I was patronizing myself. I was verbally and emotionally abusing myself.

When we returned home from our vacation, I weighed myself. I couldn’t believe it! I was at my heaviest. I was even heftier than I was when I was pregnant with both of my children. I knew I had to do something. Do you know what I did, friend? I logged onto Instagram in tears and desperation seeking help and one of the people that I reached out to was Aubrey Golbeck! She responded so quickly with love and compassion. She recommended that I read the book titled, Health at Every Size. Don’t worry - I’ll tell you more about that shortly.

During my Instagram search, I came across a registered dietician’s Instagram account whose name was Alyssa. Initially, I was very skeptical about her Instagram account and website. I questioned her often on how and what she would do to help me to get through this rough patch. I reached out to her while I was in a very dark place about my weight. I remember being at a size 0 in 2016! I remember being so tiny that no one could recognize me. When I vented to her about my inner pain of being so heavy, all I received from this lady was LOVE. She was so compassionate, she listened and she asked great trauma-informed questions. Friend, I have tears welling up in my eyes as I write this, because I began to heal from that very moment. At the end of this story, I will share Alyssa’s information with you and how you should contact her. She is a legitimate life saver - she symbolizes the mother bird. I decided to join her program and watch her modules. The first module was an emotional, but transformative point for me. I wept while I completed the worksheets. From her modules and homework, I was assigned to examine my roots and face the inner pain. Do you know that Emotional Eating is part of an eating disorder? Ouch. I winced and I took a trip down the memory lane to ruminate the starting point of why and how I got here.

Friend, it all started in middle and high school. I had a concerning eating disorder in high school. There were times I would skip breakfast and lunch and there were nights that I would give my dog my dinner while my brothers were watching TV. I would even lie and tell my mother that I was not hungry. My menstruation cycle stopped in high school because of the stress and lack of nutrition. I was stricken with chronic ear infections. Due to this, my mother took me to the doctor where I learned that I was a mere 98 pounds during my junior year of high school. I knew I had a problem. My mother began to watch me eat to make sure that I ate my entire meal. My parents would even meet me for lunch during high school to ensure that I was eating lunch. Although I was loved and valued, the hollowness was still there. My parents could not repair me, nor could they fill the void. So, what did I do? The eating disorder in high school developed the mindset of dieting and refusing to be fat. I tried so many diets – keto, paleo, trim healthy mama, calorie counting, intermittent fasting, Atkins, south beach, clean eating, whole30, sugar free, and more. I was tired of trying.

After spending time with Alyssa, I learned to EMBRACE my current body and the NOW. I have learned to build a healthy relationship with FOOD and how to look at it in a different light. I have learned to look at the mirror and speak LIFE and LOVE to my body. I have apologized to myself for abusing me and I’ve even forgiven myself. Now, I have learned to EAT WHEN my body tells me to eat. I have reframed my thoughts to understand that DIETS FAILED me - I did not fail. I have learned so much about how to speak to my thoughts and mind.

In a short five months, I am now a new person. I am a game changer. Alyssa gave me more than enough worms to grow. The twigs, the nest, and the mother bird all gave me the tools to become who I am today. The new feathers on my wings are the signs of a renewed mind. Yesterday is history and each day is a gift, and I embrace it. I frequently tell my mind to STOP abruptly when I get body shaming remarks. I educate people through actions and I refrain from sharing unsolicited advice. I eat what works for MY body. I find recipes and make yummy and tasteful foods with lots of flavor. I am walking in freedom and not doing any diets - I also spend time with people who are my cheerleaders.

Oh friend! I want you to know, there are days when I feel defeated. There are days when I have looked in the mirror and I’ve said unkind things to myself. Do you know what I did? I asked myself, “Am I tired?” “Have I taken care of myself yet?” “Have I spent time with God?” If I’ve answered, “no” to any of my questions, then I know I’ve found the culprit for having those funk days.

If I can walk forward to love ME, you can too. If I can heal and prune the roots that no longer serve me, you can too. Create your own nest with the tools that work for you. Grow new roots. The mother bird gave you enough worms to grow. Your feathers are your wings and now you can soar!

As I promised, here is the information that started me on my healing journey with food and weight:

GRACE, FOOD, AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN – DISCOVERING THE TRANSFORMING POWER OF GRACE TO SET YOU FREE FROM FOOD AND BODY SHAME BY AUBREY GOLBEK. – This book is AWESOME and I read this book more than once. Anytime I have the blues about food or body shame, I reread this book. This is a great counseling book as well!

HEALTH AT EVERY SIZE: THE SURPRISING TRUTH ABOUT YOUR WEIGHT BY LINDA BACON. – This book is a great book to understand how beautifully your body is made! DIETS ruin the inner GPS and signs.

ALYSSA ASHMORE – Check out her website to learn more about this amazing woman! I reiterate -- You will not be disappointed. She is the real deal. She helps you to look at your inner self to begin your healing.

Friend, please feel free to reach out to me if you want to have direct support by clicking here . I am more than happy to have a conversation with you. You are a beautiful masterpiece. You are beautifully designed. Do not verbally and mentally abuse yourself. You are a gem and so worth it. There is only ONE you!

Can you do me a favor? Look in the mirror and say “I love you (insert your name) and you are beautiful!” I am doing this every single morning. Join me, friend.

With love and hugs,



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Mariana Pereira
Mariana Pereira
Aug 21, 2021

Hi Ana, You are not alone on your journey. I weighted zero in 2006, not in 2016 lol you lol. I'm trying so hard and since COVID started, I'm glad to lose 16 pounds. since then, I'm stuck with 140 pounds for months without losing anymore.

I also walked a lot in the Disney Parks. No doubt it is a great exercise apart that I don't recommend sandals ( I have done this mistake once or twice). I recommend comfortable tennis shoes and my feet still hurts at the end of the day, but not excruciating like sandals. This summer, I brought fans and cooling towers, even rain caps along! In Magic Kingdom, I rented wheel chair for my so…

Ana Price
Ana Price
Nov 06, 2021
Replying to

Thank you for sharing your journey with me! Your story is inspiring and memorable! I appreciate you. ❤️


Unknown member
Aug 21, 2021

Hi Ana..

Precious Friend! God created you that you are beautiful .. I want to remind you this verse Psalm 139:14 - “Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.”.. God loves your body and face everything. I understood your struggles . I want to give you a encouragement word 1 Samuel 16:7 - “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” God does love your inside heart and beautiful you are.. .. I want to tell you that…

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