What is a vision board?
What is a dream book?
How does it work?
Why is it so popular?
Friend, have you watched the movie, The Secret? Did you know that writing your dreams and goals is more powerful than simply storing them in your mind? This is why vision boards and dream books are popular! Writing, drawing and attaching pictures on one (or both!) of those mediums actually initiates your dreams and goals. They make them come alive!
I have my very own DREAM BOOK. All I did was purchase a SMALL book with solid, blank pages and a spiral binder. I placed pictures of my dreams and goals throughout the book - I even had a vision of lily of the valley that I placed within the book – which ultimately manifested into this very blog in 2021! I’ve placed a picture of the TED Talk logo in the book because I’ve dreamt of being a TED Talk speaker. My dream book also holds pictures of my dream home that I plan for my husband and I to retire in, as well as a picture of Fiji, my dream vacation island. I’ve even printed pictures of myself when my appearance was more youthful and I was a smaller size. My body size has not transformed YET because of my current health challenges, but I have the utmost faith that God will restore my body in a way that exceeds my expectations! There are simply no limits to what you can manifest by putting it in YOUR dream book or on your vision board.
Friend, you may be wondering, "HOW can I create my own dream book and ultimately ACTIVATE my dreams and goals?" The answer is straightforward! There are three simple steps.
1) Go to Target, Dollar Store, Walmart, or any place where they sell small drawing books. Find pictures from the internet or a magazine that reflect your dreams and desires and START gluing pictures of these images to the pages in your book! The Dream Book is for you and it is your personal companion. Carry the book in your purse, car, or place it where you can see it daily.
2). Speak LIFE to your dream book. What does SPEAK LIFE to my dream book mean? It means that you should have meaningful conversations with your dreams and act as though they ARE going to happen. Activate your dreams! It works! It may feel awkward at first because it feels crazy and weird. Friend, remember, this is for you and about your journey. So, this is NOT an odd thing to do because you are investing and rebuilding your life. You may find that this is a fun project!
3). When your goals are achieved, write down the date of the dream in your dream book! It would be remiss of me not to reiterate that you should WRITE THE DATES that your dreams come true. It is so exciting and rewarding to see all or most of your dreams come into fruition!
If you feel compelled to share your dream book with your children, friends, spouse, partner, or whoever -- do it! Be the ripple of effect.
But first! Work on your dream book and make it come alive, then share widely!
Have fun!
With love,
I watched the movie and read The secret. Thoughts are powerful!!!!!
One of favorite book is the Alchemist from Paulo Coelho. Have you read it?
You will finish your book!
You will be a TED speaker!
I will activate my dream again of publishing my book. First I have to finish all of them. I have a few books on the way. Winter is my favorite time to write it!
Thanks for motivating me, Ana!