Hello friend!
Today’s blog entry may be more straightforward than others. I want this message to permeate your mind and soul. It is my job to inspire and motivate you - but it is also my job to influence your self-reflection and coach you into becoming the best version of yourself. This post is about the lessons that I have learned from my children. Not only are they my teachers, but they are also your teachers.
Ready for a good word?
Let’s go!
Last week, I blogged about vision boards (https://www.anaprice.net/post/life-lesson-2 ). Today, I want us to delve into the word DREAM because it is a meaningful term that requires our full attention and understanding.
Here is a memory that I want to share with you.
My precious twelve-year-old son always dreamt of becoming a basketball player in the NBA. He could not stop talking about basketball and he would even practice his moves inside of my house! My dear eight-year-old daughter also had a dream. She dreamt of working in a hair salon and becoming a make-up artist. She loved doing my hair and make-up. As a mother, I praised and encouraged them to achieve their dreams. It’s my job to be their cheerleader. While observing the excitement in their words, I was able to find a powerful lesson in this. They did not care what others thought of their dreams. They would talk about it constantly with huge smiles on their faces. Their confidence was what motivated them to keep going. The true lesson I learned from my two precious children is: “Dream big, and who cares what others think?!”
First, let’s define the word DREAM. The dictionary said the dream is an aspiration or desire, the ultimate goal we wish to accomplish. I love this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.”
My treasurable son had to do a vision board for a class. He was so happy to show me his vision board. When I saw it, I smiled ear to ear. He’d filled my heart with love. My son dreamed BIG. His vision board had a logo of the NBA and it even included the college of his dreams. I believe in him! Of course, he had some distractions and some naysayers that discredited his aspirations - but do you know what he did? He wrote it down and then hid the note in a private space. He said, “Mom, I read your blog. You said if anything bothers you, write it down. This note is between me and myself. No one needs to read it.” My heart smiled hugely, and I responded, “Yes, you are right. Journaling is part of your journey. I believe in you. You are GREAT in basketball, and I cannot wait to watch your games.” He smiled and excitedly told me how many days he had left for basketball tryouts. Oh my, now THAT is a valuable nugget of wisdom.
The same goes for my daughter. When she told me that she wants to own a salon, I told her that I would come to her salon often and would be a regular customer! This made her smile. I remember a time when my daughter would come to me and say, “Mom, if people laugh about my dreams. I don’t care. It is not about me; it is about them.” I was blown away by her wisdom!
Friend, THAT is true confidence. We should dream like kids. Period. Kids are our teachers. They teach us about being free. They have so much confidence to execute their dreams. They use their positivity and lightheartedness as their motivators.
If you have big dreams, do it for yourself.
If you have naysayers, write down what they said about you, then move on.
Those undignified statements are not part of you and do not have to allow their offensive comments to have access to your life.
Dreams are the catalyst to accessing your future of being the best of yourself.
Oh, friend! When was the last time you dreamed big and cared less about what others think?
Go and create your vision book or board. DREAM BIG, friend.
DO NOT be afraid of others’ opinions of you.
Do not let them shatter your dreams.
You are worth it.
I want to end this message with life changing statements on how you can respond to pessimists and cynics:
“This dream(s) is mine, not yours.”
“I will not allow your statements to hurt me. I will not stop dreaming because of you.”
“I know my heart and wants, this is my boundary, and I am worth it.”
“I am activating my dreams.
I will prove you wrong.”
“I am living my life even if no one believes in me. That is okay! I believe in myself. I have other cheerleaders who are cheering me on.”
“You can say whatever you want; I am not listening nor am I absorbing your words.”
“I am going to interrupt you before you say anything further because what you’re saying is from your perspective. My dreams are part of me, and I will not let you destroy me.”
“Um, stop. I need to interrupt you. What I am listening to is all negative, and I do not have time for that and will not listen any further.”
Go you! Go you! You got this!
Those are very good statements, Ana. We shouldn't worry about what others think about our dreams. People sometimes think they can shatter our hopes, but we are better than that. We can do it!!!!