Dearest friend,
Over the last few days, I have been in a serious funk.
Some days I feel great and other days I just feel completely unmotivated to pursue my dreams.
But why?? I’ve been asking myself WHY every single day.
I struggle to overcome battles between my mind and soul. Sometimes, my mind may say, "Ana, eat this way." But yet, my soul contradicts my mind and screams, "You are a hypocrite! You said you will not subscribe to a lifestyle of dieting!" Or sometimes my soul may say, "Write your blog post today!" and my mind decides to distract me with other things, causing me to have another missed (or procrastinated) opportunity to write. Have you ever had those days, friend?
Reader, this is precisely the reason why I am a blogger.
I take pride in sharing my life stories with you. I am authentic. I am human, just like you are. I have dreams, and I procrastinate. I have goals, and I do not put them into action 100% of the time. Does this mean I am a hypocrite? No. Not at all, friend.
You may ask, "What does this mean then, Ana?"
May I share with you a lesson that I learned over the last several days that propelled me to write this entry? This lesson will surely answer your question - ready? Okay, good!
I realized that I had been listening and spending way too much time on social media watching influencers' dreams coming alive….and truthfully, I inadvertently began to neglect my own goals. I allowed myself to compare my dreams and achievements with the influencers I see on social media. Their information, stories, testimonies, and their positive outcomes bombarded me. As a result, I became overwhelmed. I became confused. I became sad. I became discouraged.
That is my truth. Would you like to know how I recovered from the sadness?
I hugged myself and had an internal conversation where I said to myself, "Ana, you found the "why." Now, what will you do?"
I unzipped my soul and started to pray and talk with God more intimately than ever. The antidote to seal the answer to the question, "Why?" is forgiveness. I forgave myself for neglecting myself and comparing my life to other people’s lives. I am ME. I am ANA. My dreams and goals are mine, not anyone else's. God gave me the deep desire to be a writer. God gave me the vision to be an author, life coach, public and motivational speaker. I have to emphasize that I have allowed the distractions to divert from my dreams.
"Ana, what are some of the distractions that you faced that dampened your passion for achieving your dreams?"
Here are a few examples:
Sleeping in
Spending too much time on Instagram and Facebook
Spending too much time talking with friends on Marco Polo
Here are my solutions and my plan moving forward:
I’m going to BE honest with me.
I’m going to WRITE down my schedule and goals and share them with a trusted person.
I will FOCUS on today. I will not focus on tomorrow or the upcoming days - ONE day at a time.
I will START with 30 minutes a day to write. Writing is therapeutic.
I am going to BLOCK a time off each day to invest in me. I will schedule Ana Time each day.
I will FORGIVE me for the mistakes and slip-ups. I’ll love me, and then let go. I refuse to stay stuck in negative emotions.
I will SET boundaries. Time management and boundaries are good for my soul and mental health.
Reader, it is my goal to inspire you. We are the lilies of the valley! I am blooming with new ideas and new ways to achieve my goals. I am changing how I think and not allowing the devil to steal my joy, passion, and peace. I am changing the narrative by using these lessons as life lessons to learn and share. Reader, you can do the same!
Friend, you are not alone. If you ever feel stuck …know that you are not alone. The very first thing you need to do is to ask yourself the question, "Why?" The WHY question is to find the root of the problem. The WHY motivates you to dig deep in your soul to see what's really causing you to divert from your dreams and passions. After you discover your WHY, write down your list of distractions and create a list of what you can do better.
Here is the catch: The answer to the WHY helps you get out of the funk!