How can I lead a community without worrying about what others think of me?
Can I really be a leader?
I am Deaf and I am also an introvert, so how can I lead?
I want to be a leader.
I want to share my stories and experiences with a crowd of people who are just waiting to come out of their shells!
Do you need an idea of an authentic and healthy leader? Consider this the following example:
A gardener dug a small hole to plant a seed -- the seed is tiny, like a mustard seed. The gardener then covered it with rich soil. He watered the seed and soil consistently until the soil became sodden from the moisture. The gardener would ensure that his project received lots of Vitamin D from the sun and each day he waited for the seed to burst! Several weeks had gone by and the bright green stem still had not yet peeped through the dirt. One day, a bright green stem finally peeped through the ground! The gardener exclaimed with excitement and smiled ear to ear! As the days passed, the green stem grew taller and leaves grew on the sides until a few weeks later, the beautiful flower bloomed! The scent from the flower was so beautiful and fragrant.
The gardener is ME, the leader.
The seeds are the people I supervise at work and the people I give presentations to.
The water is a tool for the seeds to grow.
The sunlight is the nurture, love, and support.
I am Deaf, so what? I can still lead amazing people to find their identities.
I am an introvert, so what? I can still lead because I’ve already built meaningful relationships with many people.
Friend, from the illustration --
Did you notice that the gardener focused only on the seed and not themself?
Did you notice the gardener praises each stage of growth?
Did you notice that the gardener ensured that the seed is taken care of WELL?
Did you notice the gardener ensured the ground received enough sunlight?
Did you notice that the gardener waited patiently for the seed to grow?
THAT is a true leader, friend.
I was and still am the seed to be the best leader.
My water derived from attending several seminars, conferences, and leadership training during my tenure at a non-profit organization for the Deaf. I also surrounded myself by many inspiring leaders and deliberately watched how they handled difficult situations.
I received daily sunshine by spending much of my time reading Brene Brown’s books during my leadership years as the Director and Executive Director of a non-profit organization. I got inspired by Real Talk Kim and Tabitha Brown to become a blogger.
The primary key to being a successful leader is to be patient. Just like the seed, it took time for the seed to grow into a beautiful flower.
Dear friend,
Have you dreamt of being a leader but do not know how?
Have you dreamt of being a writer but you do not know where to start?
Have you dreamt of being a vlogger or blogger but you are afraid of people’s opinions?
I want to achieve my goals, but how do I find the time?
I definitely raised my hand and nodded to those questions! Do you know what I did, dear? I took the first step. That’s it.
I created a beautiful oasis in my home where I can write in my journal of my dreams.
I prayed.
I read many books that inspire me, such as the Bible, Real Talk Kim, Brene Brown, and Joyce Meyer.
Most importantly, I utilized my inner gift of patience.
You are not alone.
Do you have an author that you love and are inspired by?
Do you watch and listen to podcasts and say to yourself, “I want to start a podcast?”
Have you ever had dreams that never go away, urging you to be an author?
If you answered those questions with a bold YES, then you’ve found your passion AND you’ve come to the right place, Lily of the Valley. This website:, is the reason why this blog was born! I am here to help you to walk forward to achieve your dreams. I am here to be your cheerleader. I am here to help you find your passion. I reiterate that you are not alone. Welcome to this community, where you can grow into a beautiful lily of the valley.
You are unique.
You are awesome.
You are a gem.
You are a leader.