“You are so fat!”
“You are too sensitive.”
“Your expectations are too high.”
“You do not take care of yourself.”
“You worry too much!”
“You need to dumb down your English”
“You are too paranoid.”
Friend, have you struggled to find your identity? Do you struggle with discovering WHO you are? Have you cried day and night because you feel worthless and lost? If you can relate to these feelings, you are not alone - this resonates with me too. This phase of life only means that your petals are either covered in the dirt of life, or you’ve lost them in your moments of turmoil. Don’t worry, dear...everything will be alright.
Imagine sitting outside with me and having a cup of coffee while relaxing in the fresh air. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and inhale deeply. Feel the gentle breeze on your face, arms, and hair. Pay attention to your surroundings and the smells wafting through the air - it could be the scent of fresh-cut grass. Maybe you smell the sweet fragrances of the flowers in the garden or the distinct smell of fresh mud and dew from the rain last night. Most importantly, center yourself, focus and breathe in and slowly.
Now, I want you to do a fun project for yourself. This project will help you find your petals - it works for me every time!
Gather these four items: markers, any colored sticky notes, safety pins, and a T-shirt.
Write down positive words about yourself on the sticky notes. Be sure to think really hard so that you identify all of your positive characteristics. These can even be personal attributes that you STRIVE to achieve or ones that you’ve already identified within yourself. Here are a few examples:
Daughter of God
Woman of God
Child of God
After you’ve written the words on the sticky notes, secure the colorful sticky notes with safety pins on your T-Shirt. Wear your T-Shirt every day until you are fully confident knowing who you are. If you need to go out, simply use a lightweight jacket to cover your T-Shirt. Anytime you feel down or disheartened…all you have to do is unzip your jacket and re-read your words. The purpose of this project is to remind you that those positive words that you’ve written about yourself, actually DEFINE you. The Sticky Notes are YOUR PETALS. ☺ They are a part of your identity. NEVER allow anyone to pluck out your petals because your petals symbolize your unique voice and identity. There is only ONE you.
Anytime a person tries to degrade or dismiss you, write this down on a note card:
“ I have a voice. I am entitled to say anything I want. My opinions are mine. I have the power to dismiss them. I know myself the best. I am not what you called me. I am not what you identify me as. You did not design me. I am ME. I am okay and totally fine if you do not like me or the way I do certain things. I love ME.”
Memorize and practice this powerful statement in front of a mirror. Go on, just try it! You will be amazed how much confidence you have within. You have the strength to do all things because of our Creator. You have the power within you. Use it. Do not hide your identity. ☺ Keep on blooming, friend! I am your cheerleader.
Would you please comment and share your success stories? I am excited to hear what happens after you complete the project. You will not be the same. You are blooming into a beautiful flower with bright, new petals!
With Love,